New Law Changes Classification of Tier 1 Sex Offenders in Missouri

When a person gets convicted of a sex crime, it can have serious consequences. Aside from jail time, fines and having a criminal record that can make it hard to find a job or housing, they must also register with the state’s sexual offender database.
Prior to the law changes, those who were convicted of Tier 1 crimes had to remain on the registry for life. Now, they spend 15 years on the list and can petition for removal after 10 years.learn more about the classification of Tier 1 sex offenders in Missouri
Tier I
A new law taking effect this year will alter the way sex offenders in Missouri are classified. It will also change when they can petition to get off the state’s registry. Sex offenders are currently placed into tier levels that indicate the severity of their crimes and the risk they pose to others, according to those who created the tier system. To some, the tiers make sense and assist with public safety. To others, they are outdated and draconian.
Tier I: This tier involves the least severe crimes, like exposing one’s genitals to another person. Those convicted of this crime will spend 15 years on the sex offender registry and must check in with police once every year. If they do not, they could lose tier one status and be moved to tier two. A tier 1 offender can petition for removal from the registry after 10 years.
Tier II: This tier involves more serious crimes, such as second-degree sodomy against a person over the age of 16 or 17 or child molestation. Those convicted of a tier two crime must register for 25 years and update their information with the registry every six months. They can also petition to remove themselves from the list after 25 years if they have a clean record.
Tier III: This tier is reserved for the most serious crimes, including rape and murder of a child. Those convicted of a tertiary crime must remain on the sex offender registry for life unless they were a juvenile delinquent at the time their crimes were committed. They can petition for removal from the registry after 30 years.
While the tier system is meant to help police agencies keep track of offenders, it is not always successful. In fact, a recent audit revealed that many local police departments are failing to properly update and monitor their sex offender databases. This is putting the safety of citizens at risk, and it is imperative that these agencies take corrective action.
If you are facing any sex related charges in Missouri, you need to contact an experienced Twibell Pierson criminal defense lawyer immediately. A sex offender conviction can ruin your life. It is important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible so they can fight for your rights and protect your family. Twibell Pierson represents clients throughout the state, including in Boone County, Jefferson City and Columbia. To schedule a consultation with a member of the firm, call 314-968-2880 or contact them online. A confidential email can also be sent to the firm.